Parish Registration

All parishioners of St. Charles Church are encouraged to register with the parish, get involved with your time, talent, and treasure.

Map of Parish Boundaries

By Canon Law, parishioners of St. Charles are those who live within the parish boundaries. If you do not live within the parish boundaries of St. Charles, you can find your parish on the parish boundaries map that the Diocese of Arlington website provides. If you don’t know if you are a parishioner of St. Charles, please consult the parish boundary map to see if you reside within the territorial boundaries of our parish.

Any exceptions must be approved by the pastor. You can email him at

To search for your address on the map, click on the full screen button on the top right, then the magnifying glass on the top left and type in your home address.

Registration Form

After verifying you live within the parish boundaries, please click the button below.

Registered Parishioners

All Parishioners are asked to login to your profile in our new portal, ParishStaq, to verify your information, register for parishioner events and activities, view calendars, and more.

For a step-by-step guide click here

To set up recurring donations or to adjust your account, click here.

For detailed instructions, refer to our information sheet on “Ways to Give” .